I want yall to meet Scribe 1. My man comes outta southern Vermont, which is apparently “cold as fuck in more ways than weather.” I got this link via email about a week or so ago and when I clicked on it, I was immediately drawn into the ominous picture of a man that decorated the page. Music is aural-visual mind fuck for me, and Scribe’s sullen look of concern drew me in like a Tehran-bound Russian envoy of Iranian Cossacks in their way to fight the British army. I had no idea what to expect, but, I knew I liked something about it already…
And this love at first sight would unlike my ex-wife, pan out to be a wonderful relationship over the next few hours. The album, A.Y.S.A.O.R.I.S.P, (pronounced aye-sow-risp) starts out with an intro that is as dark as the artwork…but then goes into the banging title track with an infectious piano loop that’s a cross between “Funky for You” by Nice and Smooth and “Road to the Riches” by G Rap and Polo. Scribe rides the track with that golden era saunter even as his chic announces she’s leaving him just seconds into the song. But the clever, well-placed lyrical brassiness about the complexities of male-female relationships (and intoxicants) keeps ya head nodding throughout the two minutes and six seconds of the song. Title track is a banger…It’s the Cheech Marin meets Big Daddy Kane of breakup songs.
The beats match the lyrics as the album goes into another favorite of mine, the darker song, Shelf Life. The murky sample sounds fresh off the MPC, and once coupled with the chopped breakbeat and melodically murmured chorus, “turn the light down/turn the music up/for some of us it’ll never be enough,” he announces his presence in this rap shit, and compellingly, making his mark with lines like, “formulaic baby I will give you similac/that style you claim over here, we just ain’t into that…” Shelf Life is a song that makes the listener think and postulate the future of this rap shit while saying, “damn. this kid can spit.”

The album has 6 songs (with an intro and interlude), all of which bang from start to finish. Unlike other underground and mainstream rap albums out now which are clouded with lackluster collaborations and boring ass tracks that compliment the boring ass artists, this is a solid hip hop album where the lyrical and sonic components come together in a beautiful marriage that will definitely keep the listener eagerly listening. In the end, Scribe is one of those mcs that when you hear, you drop to your knees with your palms pressed and give thanks to the heavens that rappers like this still exist. I’m excited for what the future holds for Scribe. God bless the underground!
ALBUM: (Rapidshare link is at the bottom)